Convync - Virtual office for remote and hybrid employees

HI Broadwise Community,

My name is Kevin and I’m the co-founder of Convync (ken-vink). A year ago when the massive shift to remote work took place, I realized that I was no longer having casual interactions with friends at work. I could no longer walk by people’s desks to strike up a conversation or bump into them in the hallway. Maintaining personal relationships with colleagues became difficult and now required deliberate effort. When I heard that teams were using all-day Zoom calls to stay connected with one another, I knew there had to be a better way. So I assembled 2 of my closest college friends and together, we built Convync.

Convync (ken-vink) is a virtual office network for remote/hybrid employees. Every employee has a virtual personal office (VPO), which acts like a personal Zoom meeting but looks totally different. It looks like an actual room, and it’s customizable so that employees can express their own personalities. Employees can move freely within each room, promoting the feeling of shared occupancy of a physical space. Rooms are subscribable, so employees can bookmark and revisit their favorite rooms, like their team’s virtual standup room, a friend or colleague’s VPO, or a shared virtual breakroom. We wanted remote workers to be able to say impromptu, “I’ll be in my office” or “Let’s grab lunch”, without the hassle of having to schedule a call.

I would love for you to check our webapp and give us some feedback. You can add Convync to your Slack workspace and try it out with your team for free right away by going to this link: