devActivity - Code Contributions Analytics with AI

Implement the following features based on the Repository Activity ( commits, pull requests, issues etc):

  • πŸͺͺ Automated Performance Review
  • :hourglass: Retrospective Insights
  • :reminder_ribbon: Peer Recognition Awards
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Contributions & Work Quality Analytics
  • :bell: Configurable Alerts
  • :trophy: XP, Levels, Achievements, Leaderboard
  • :zap: Slack Integration

Also for Public Repos (open source):

  • :jigsaw: README Widgets: Stats, Top Contributors, Challenges
  • :computer: Public Dashboard
  • :bookmark_tabs: Contributors & Discussions Analytics

devActivity Pricing Plans

  • :open_file_folder: Open Source - $0 - Public Repos only
  • :file_folder: Free - $0 (up to 7 contributors) - Private Repos
  • :star: Premium - $10/contributor/month - Private Repos

Additional Info

Achievements Badges Example

devActivity Badges