I have created a tool that lets you Trade on Elon Musk's tweets

Hello! Tom is here, creator of this cool new tool.

The Problem :confused:

When Elon Musk and other big players tweet about stocks, crypto, etc. sometimes these tweets manage to make a huge effect on a stock or crypto market. Therefore not being among the first ones who sees these tweets can be really disappointing.

The Solution :star_struck:

:white_check_mark: Tracksy.co tool monitors Elon Musk’s tweets so that you could get notified whenever he tweets again. Also as Elon is not the only big player in Twitter, Tracksy.co has the ability to track other 5 Business and 5 Crypto world influencers + 3 ANY Twitter profiles of your choice.
:white_check_mark: Tracksy.co can notify you about the tweets by sending you a SMS message or if you do not like getting a lot of SMSs, then you can choose Email as a notification method. Or both!
:white_check_mark: Elon or other influencers can tweet a lot, meaning you would get a lot of SMSs or/and Emails, therefore I strongly recommend you of using Tracksy’s tweet filters where you can specify any keyword(s) so that you would get notifications only when those keywords are mentioned in a Tweet (ex.: Bitcoin,Tesla).

How to Get Started :rocket:

:slightly_smiling_face:First create an account by registering. After a successful registration you could purchase a one of three monthly subscription plans, and start tracking tweets.
:bell:Depending on your subscription plan, Twitter profiles and notification methods that you choose, you will get a notification to your smartphone or email box.

Feedback :pray:

Really appreciate your feedback.
:grey_question:What do you think about this product?
:grey_question:Is there anything that is missing in this product? If so I would consider adding it.
:grey_question:Would you use Tracksy.co? If not, then why?
:grey_question:Do you think the market fit is right (investors)? Maybe other social groups might also be interested in being the first ones to see someone’s tweets?

Thank you
Tom :blush: