Just launched: House of XYZ - We build startups

:wave: Welcome to House of XYZ! Your full-serviceĀ¹ software studio. With over a decade of experience collaborating with public companies, hyper-growth unicorns, and YC-backed startups, there ainā€™t S#!T we canā€™t build. Whether youā€™re a startup looking to innovate, an established company aiming to scale, or an entrepreneur with a vision, we got you!

Ā¹ You donā€™t have to do a damn thing ā€” we design, develop, and deploy anything you need built.

Traditional agencies ā€¦
:lock: Lock you into contracts
:clock3: Add more meetings to your already crowded schedule
:snail: Take months to deliver
:moneybag:Cost $40,000+ for a buggy web app (plus hosting and maintenance)

Hiring an employee means ā€¦
:bookmark_tabs: You spend weeks hiring just to end up with a professional coffee drinker
:couch_and_lamp: You get to play therapist in weekly 1-on-1s
:busts_in_silhouette: The elite team of individual contributors youā€™ve cultivated gets to level up into elite micro-managers
:moneybag: Cost $30,000+ per month for one designer and one software engineer (plus benefits)

TLā€™DR Working with traditional agencies and managing employees is rigid, slow, and expensive.

With House of XYZ you get ā€¦
:zap: Software in weeks (or days :eyes:)
:infinity: Unlimited requests
šŸŖŖ A senior-level product team
:brain: Product consultations
:toolbox: Continuous software maintenance
:unlock: NO CONTRACTS! (cancel or pause anytime)
:money_mouth_face: Cost $5,000 per sprint (2 weeks)

Letā€™s build :point_right: https://cal.com/house-of-xyz/intro