LinkedIn Company Insights by AroundDeal

LinkedIn Company Insights by AroundDeal


Launch date:2024.3.1

Categories:Sales Intelligence

Keywords:sales, marketing, startup, Buyer Intent Data

Company Insights can quickly show you important insights about a company, help you understand the competition and find chances for growth. It’s designed for marketers, sales reps, investors, researchers and various other profs.

🙎🏻♂️Who is it for?
This tool is designed for marketers, sales reps, investors, researchers and various other profs. It quickly shows you important things about a company, like employee count, team functions, team locations, and much more! Using this tool helps you understand the competition, get important business information, and find chances for growth. It’s easy to use, right at your fingertips when you check the company’s LinkedIn page.

:bank:With AroundDeal Company Insights, just one click gives you a full picture of how a company is growing. You can see the important numbers that show its progress in different areas.

  1. Employee count trends every month, 6-month growth percentage, and average median tenure.
  2. Employee location insights, revealing the percentage of employees in each country.
  3. Employee function insights, highlighting the dominant functions within the company.
  4. New hire counts insights, revealing the monthly fluctuations in new hires.