Podium: AI tools for podcasters and creators

Hi everyone,
Would love to get your feedback on my team’s new project. Originally we made an AI-powered podcast player called Fathom.fm. We’ve taken a lot of the AI we built for Fathom.fm and put it into a new suite of tools for Podcasters and Creators. Instant AI-generated show notes, highlights, summaries, chapters, articles—everything you need to promote your podcast and convert it to more lead generating marketing materials. You can check it out at https://podium.page

— Paul

Here’s the full pitch:
Podium is the ultimate podcast tool that creates AI-generated show notes, summaries, chapters, transcripts, and highlights to supercharge your post-production workflow. With Podium’s AI copywriting software, you can generate high-quality show notes and summaries in seconds. Whether you’re a single host podcast or part of a podcast agency, Podium’s AI show notes generator can help you save time, effort, and money. You can even outsource your podcast editing and let Podium handle the heavy lifting. Wondering how to do a podcast by yourself? Podium’s AI-generated podcast summaries and transcripts make it easy. If you’re looking for a podcast to text converter, Podium is your solution. Try Podium today for free at https://hello.podium.page.

Say hi on twitter at @podiumdotpage